Pifagor`s predictions system
Astrologist PROXIMA presents
     Example of calculation.
      Date of birth: 09.01.1947
     We combine figures of a day and month of birth 9 + 1 = 10
     We combine figures of a year of birth 1 + 9 + 4 + 7 = 21
     We combine obtained figures 1 + 21 = 22 (first working number)
     We combine figures of the first working number: 2 + 2 = 4 (second working
     From the first working number to take away double figure of the first number a day of birth: 22 -
18 = 4 (third working number)
     To combine figures of the third working number: remains former: 4 (fourth
Working number)
     The first series of numbers, circumscribing date of birth: 911947
     The second series of numbers, consisting of working numbers: 22444
     To count an amount of figures in two serieses: 11 - it signifies, that the person
Has come on ground in 11 time, and total it(he) comes 15 time.
     We shall make a table, in each guadrate of which we enter identical figures
From two serieses of numbers:
1-th 11


4-th 4444


7-th 7


2-th 22


5-th -


8-th -


3-th -


6-th -


9-th 99


                       Decoding datas of a table

     1 - Disguised vanity (only I should live, I, I, I,)
     11 - Is close to vanity (all time self praises, as for sale, is afraid
To overestimate)
     111 - Good character (equal)
     1111 - Very strong-willed, force
     11111 - Person rigid
     111111 - (is very rare) person rigid, at the same time for close
Person can make impossible, with a Nim very difficultly

                          Guadrate 2 (bioenergy)

     - There is no bioenergy, the channel of a bioenergy is open for an intensive gang,
These people love old things, not bad concern to enclosing, trying this
Most to feed from other, are brought up from a nature.
     2 - The bioenergies have enough for life, but now, at the given stage(phase)
It is not enough. The sport is necessary, is sensitive to modifications in atmosphere.
     22 - The bioenergies need (already can be treated other)
     222 - Good biopower engineerings
     2222 - These people are loved by(with) an opposite floor and very love with is familiar
666 - The satan - they feed from from 2222

                         Guadrate 3 (love to an order)

     - - there are no triples - very clean or punctual, something selects
Them from an environment by the language (all time clean)
     3 - These people an order does not disturb, but rather (I want I do(make),
I want is not present), everything depends on mood.
     33 - Propensity to sciences (good mathematicians, physics, chemists, scientific)
     333 - Propensity to sciences (with an enlarged force, impossible
The pedantry, is not realized in a science)

                           Guadrate 4 (health)

     - - this person will be sick is very force (especially, if at
Calculation there are enough 2)
     4 - To be sick will be, but is not force, to old age as everything.
     44 - Very strong person or raised(increased) temperament (sexual
     444 - Most, but with redoubled zeal.

                            Guadrate 5 (intuition)

     - - open channel at birth, therefore this person always tries
Something to undertake, something to prove, always a head in meditation, in
Experiment, in calculation. Vital experience shows, that with this person
Difficultly to live. Everything does(makes) (punches) head.
     5 - The channel is open, these people of an error do(make) less and in life and generally.
     55 - Is force intuition - inspector and lawyer is advanced.
     555 - Intuition is very well advanced, errors do not suppose, precisely know, that
     5555 - The absolute intuition, all, that happens around by him(it) clearly. There are the moment,
When they outside of space and outside of spatial time

                         Guadrate 6 (love to ground)

     - - the person has come to gain a trade, the physical work is necessary, but
It(he) it(him) does not love.
     6 - Loves ground, the physical work is necessary, it is possible to think about
To study.
     66 - Very loves ground, the physical work is not necessary, but they it(him) love.
     666 - Sign of the satan, are very certain, the temperament is raised(increased), partner,
On comas is married, there is with a great many 2, since it(he)
Feeds from the partner and frequently, by swallowing an energy leaves to other
To the partner.
     6666 - This person in the previous embodiments has gathered much
Attachments to ground, it(he) very much works. For him(it) there is no weight
Transactions (physical), it(he) always works. Institute, if is without fail necessary
In calculation is 9.

                      Guadrate 7 (god a scintilla, talent)

     - - this person was born, to earn 7, and to earn their
It is possible only by diligence. Very heavy life. Will almost always reduce to
     7 - God a scintilla. The person lives on much easier, than without 3, is
The talent, but softly is expressed.
     77 - It very force a sign of a similarity to the angel, if it(him) to develop
Completely. The person musical, has art taste, can
To draw. If in calculation(!on the basis of) 1-two, his(its) vanity 
can supervise over them(him,it) and it(him) by talent.
  It(he) to anybody is not necessary. The person catches(!during) on an edge of a razor,
it is possible to it(him)
All, good and bad. For him(it) there are no closed doors. If it(he) will be
To be judged, to it(him) will without fail help to win process or to drag from a hole.
From childhood it is necessary to learn love to the people.
     777 - Sign special. These people, as a rule, have come on ground, soon to leave,
And if it(he) live with well-being, they is waited in old age by(with) a bad extremity.
     7777 - Sign of the angel. The people with it are familiar die in early childhood, if
Remain to live, their life are threatened with fatal danger.

                        Guadrate 8 (feeling of the debt)

     - - person something will take, but does not hurry to return.
     8 - Person with developed feeling of the debt.
     88 - Feeling of the debt is very advanced. Always wishs to help.
     888 - As service to the people, great sign.
     8888 - The sign will be only 88 years. The children are born with
By psyhological abilities, with knowledge of exact sciences.

                            Guadrate 9 (mind(wit))

     9 - The person should without fail develop second 9.
     99 - At the person from birth a clever head. It is necessary to learn.
     999 - The person clever from a nature, poorly learns (everything is given)
     9999 - True is hidden, with a condition of sharp mind(wit) (are rough, are unmerciful)

Is carried out: PROXIMA  В© 1997-2020